Building Casitas In SLRC
Here's the story..........
God's PlanGod is amazing!!! Our participation in the Christmas Outreach South of the Canal in 2010 was a life changing event. We returned to the Bay Area and knew we needed to do something to help the people living South of the Canal in SLRC. We went before our church and asked our congregation for donations for the people.
We were contacted by a person who asked if we could use full-faced pallets for construction. These pallets were being used for shipping solar panels from China and then were going to the local landfill. Plans were developed for a pallet casita – 11 feet by 17 feet – which could be made “modular style” – using 2 X 4 studs to connect the pallets. This became an affordable option for construction. The pallet casitas were easily built in 2 days at a cost of approximately $500. |
An Answer To PrayerTransportation of the pallets became an expensive challenge until the Mayor of SLRC offered to send a semi truck from San Luis Rio Colorado to the Bay Area - a 650 mile trip - to pick up the pallets.
Over the next 18 months, the Mayor sent his truck three times to pick up pallets, medical supplies, and ministry materials. It was an amazing answer to prayer. In addition to transportation, the City of SLRC initially provided the concrete for the foundations for the first eight casitas we built. A team of men from Iglesia Monte de Dios church volunteer their time and labor to form, pour and finish the concrete foundations and help build houses for the families that are selected. |
Phase 2 - OSB Plywood ConstructionWe are no longer able to get the full-faced pallets for
construction as the configuration for shipping the solar panels has changed. Our hearts saw the continued need for safe living shelters South of the Canal. The pallet casita plan was modified to build little houses with OSB plywood. We now understand that God brought the full-faced pallets into our lives to begin our casita building ministry in SLRC. Unfortunately the building costs have increased. Additional material is needed for the exterior sheathing and wall support. |
January 2013 - Mexican BrickIn January of 2013, we had made a commitment to build houses for two families but we were unable to get building materials across the border. We opted to build these houses out of local Mexican brick.
Our team spent 3 and 1/2 weeks laying 3,500 Mexican brick, hand mixing the mortar, bringing the water from the canal in 50 gallon drums. It was a labor of love and a definite learning experience. |
House Construction ImprovementsEach of the casitas have a ventilating window and locking door. Those without electricity are provided an operating 12V solar system. The system includes a controller, heavy duty golf cart battery, miscellaneous wiring and connection materials, and LED lights.
It is truly life-changing for these families who live with electricity South of the Canal. Our hearts are warmed each time we visit these homes when we see kids watching cartoons on a rabbit ear TV, ladies cooking in a lighted area and during Christmas, lights on a tree. Donations have included 50 gallon barrels for water storage, window coverings, beds, furniture, linens, shelving, kitchen donations - anything useful for a little house. |
Selection Process for Families
Our ministry has an application process. We work with the City of SLRC to verify that the family either owns or is purchasing their property. Prayerfully, we chose families based on their need and their willingness to live in the house shortly after completion. We ask that they show a willingness to help with future casita construction for other families and that their children attend school. Families applying to receive a house are recommended by local pastors or the City's Social Services Department (DIF).
Families are always very grateful for their new home. We tell them that their new home is a gift from God who loves them and provides for their every need. Our prayer is that they honor God in their new home.